Uploadrocket.net - Earn $15 for all file sizes, unlimited storage space.

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Yes, but perhaps that IP has downloaded a different file within the last 24 hours.

Ok, I delete my files ! and stop working with UploadRocket !
I waste my time for stupid calculation !!!

Every host that counts 1 IP per 24 hours does the exact same thing - Hosts that count multiple IPs pay less per download.

Anyway, each uploaders requirements are different - We are appealing to a different group I guess.

We have been here for 2 years and have many uploaders from the beginning and new uploaders joining us all of the time so we must be doing something right :-)

Meanwhile, I'd like to take this opportunity to wish all of you and your families a very happy new year.
I am really greatful to UploadRocket Staff and Specially RocketMan for supporting and resolving issues minor issues in a quick time and also update my account to Premium for 2 months :)
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