Uploadrocket.net - Earn $15 for all file sizes, unlimited storage space.

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trojan-killer i don't know why uploadrocket did not you pay you, there must be some explanation. in case if you think this host scammer you should send PM to any moderator so MOD can check what is the problem. if host is scammer MOD will lock the thread. you keep saying same thing in every page in this thread which seems kind of spamming, may be you will get warning from moderator if you kept doing this.

FYI i got my first payment from uploadrocket in time.

is already done, now i will wait so see with what argumentation and reason this host and uploading.site come out to have not paid me.

he could have avoid all this if he have paid me and not do what he have do to me and others users.
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I have been waiting for a payout for about 25 days

This is the first time I had such a long delay for a payout

Uploadrocket has paid me every time on time and gave me excellent support when needed. This host is NOT a scam in anyway.

That is not complete true because he have scam me 100 dollars that still not paid me even after a administrator of this website have message me and him.

Have u ever read on this forum any reason why he does not paid me and to some of others users ? you have not... why ? because he is scamming us...

Just because he paid you and a few more does not say he does not scam others, i see here people screaming on others host not be paid and i still be paid there, but contrary to all of you i will not defend any host anymore

but i will demand what is mine done with my work and care nothing for the messages he send to any of you to come here defend him...i also have that ones on the past....
[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]Extend my account please
[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]User : [/FONT]NUGGETS11[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]
[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]Thank you[/FONT]

Added after 2 Hours 26 minutes:

[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]Thank you [/FONT][FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]Rocketman
[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]for the premium extension.[/FONT]
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