
Active Member
Hello I am Abdulrahim from Uploadrar.com with You we have launched our website Recently we Work as ( PPD, PPS, PPD+PPS ).

PPD we Pay 100% PPD downloads:
PPS we pay 60% Sales to Users:
MIX (PPD+PPS) we pay 60% downloads and 20% Sales

We pay Real Rates A(20$), B(12$), C(8$), D(4$) for Countries:


Rules & Info.:

- We pay for all files starting from 100 KB+.
- Only 90% Completed Downloads are counted as qualified downloads.
- We Do not accept downloads from proxy servers.
- Minimum payout is: $20.
- Payments are sent on 5th date of Each Month After Payout Request.
- We pay using PayPal, Payoneer, Skrill, Bitcoin, Ethereum,WebMoney,Skrill,Payza.

- Don't share your files in sites used software to extract the download link without loading page.
- Your account will be banned if you share it with others.
- We have the right to ask you to provide information about your activity at any time.
- You should not stop your traffic while your payout request is being processed.
- We have the right to update these plans whenever required without any Notification.
- Payment charges will be deducted from user balance, for Bitcoin and Ethereum payment methods, if applicable.

Program Rules:
- We are not responsible if you entered incorrect payment details, we are unable to undo anything once it has been issued.
- Don't remove your files while you still have money in your account to allow our team to review your account before payment issuance, or we'll assume you was violating our TOS.

Data Types Rules:
- Uploading Material protected with copyright law is not allowed. Your files will be deleted in case of receiving abuse report but your account balance will not be affected.
Uploadrar, big scammer right now. remote upload, not really working 2hours with 4 breakups for 695MB, that is a joke, share-online, same server same file 12sec. ul, same server same file 11sec. That service, uploadrar, is useless!

Welcome to forum

We Do not accept downloads from proxy servers.

My question is, how can I stop someone from "proxy servers" to NOT click on your download links??
You can contact me:
Telegram https://t.me/mickey1907
Skype mickey7091
Email mickey7091@yandex.ru
Jabber mickey1907@jabbim.com

My porn forum https://shadow-ads1984.clan.su/forum
My username on your file hosting rocky
I would like to join your affiliate program,but i have few conditions:
1)Porn video should be allowed.
2)Please add payment system for output money Capitalist https://capitalist.net
3) I want to be able to always withdraw money to payment system exactly the amount that i might get (suppose from the smallest tariff plan), i do not want to save several sales in my account, i want to withdraw money immediately after receiving the first sale (i even i agree to some small cash retention(hold not more than seven days) if necessary).
4)Unlimited space(or at your discretion)
5) I need remote file download, should be in working condition.
6) I need premium status for period six months to year.
7) My files should be stored forever until the end the premium status (except for Abuse and Dmca),if premium status does not affect file retention, then i don't need premium status.
8)Percentage from sales and rebills 50 on 50.

If you can fulfill all these conditions then i agree to join your affiliate program.

Last edited:
Please open for me affiliate program.
I want to get premium status for half year or year for free so i can test your file hosting for sales.
I want that files with premium status are stored forever even if no one has downloaded them.
If you do not agree with me then let me know about this in this thread (then i will look for another file hosting).
If i get the first sale from your file hosting then i will buy an annual premium key for my money(this way i will extend my premium status).
I will be helpful for your file hosting not only as webmaster but also as client who will buy annual premium keys in the future, but this will only happen if I receive first sale from your file hosting.
Please open for me affiliate program.
I want to get premium status for half year or year for free so i can test your file hosting for sales.
I want that files with premium status are stored forever even if no one has downloaded them.
If you do not agree with me then let me know about this in this thread (then i will look for another file hosting).
If i get the first sale from your file hosting then i will buy an annual premium key for my money(this way i will extend my premium status).
I will be helpful for your file hosting not only as webmaster but also as client who will buy annual premium keys in the future, but this will only happen if I receive first sale from your file hosting.
hey man
they dont pay any money
dont waste your time

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