Uploadjet -We leave you before you leave us! No Support Thread

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I don`t know what's wrong with this filehost now, but stat ratios decreased also you are not counting good the downloads :(:'( In other side, wait 15 days for receiving payments it's too much....

Please fix this situation or sadly I and other users too will stop using this filehost .... :'(

You have a lot of good competitors like sharpfile or henchifle ... so think about it

Please if you cannot afford running the filehost anymore please be honest and tell to us

best regards and thank you
as per situation now we are now depending upon mostly on ads revenue and very less sales,ad payments come to us after 30 days, from credit card processors almost 15+ days for payments ,first we need to meet minimum amount before requesting payout via wire transfer then top up our credit card and pay you guys we tried to do fast payments from our pockets but we do have limits hence 15 days payout i think is reasonable, if you are on pps please contact us we will surely give you priority.
uploadejt- writed You!

Added after 17 Hours:

Can you check downloads count? I got download, but 0.00 ;/
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