Uploadify.net ~ Highest DTR ~ Let's start our adventure towards success

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[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]Can't Upload

ERROR: There was a server problem when attempting the upload, please try again later."


[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]UPDATE to PREMIUM?[/FONT]
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@yamil, You can use your wallet for upgrade your account to premium :)
@mandalbpd You can tell to your users to upgrade their account in order to bypass this problem
@Gwapo Sorry I Don't understand, what's the problem?
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Hi, file upload does not work, I can not work

Added after 15 Hours 36 minutes:

Can you solve the problem with uploading files?
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Sorry for late reply guys.
All payments has been sent!
@aren1980 still having problem with upload?
@PCH in the case you need more space, you can upgrade your account with uploadify wallet :)
@latvia Just try our platform, I'm sure you are going to love it
@Abd No, not yet, sorry.
@hite there isn't any reseller program right now
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