Uploaders Needed $$$

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Active Member

We are looking for uploaders , to upload Mp3s
Mp3 = 2 - 8 MB Max

easy and fast Job

We Pay $20 for 100 Mp3

1. Song Must Not Be Duplicated . ( you can search befor upload ).
2. Song Name Artist Name Must Be Correct otherwise They Will Not Be Counted.
3. Only .Mp3 (no .wav .rm .ogg ,,,etc)
4. Must Have PayPal Account.
5. Only English Language Music must be Uploaded.
6. Maximum 100 Mp3's Daily. more than this will not be counted

if interested Register a Username here and send me PM with your username and email

well, it seems i'm not the only one that is captcha blind... :P

and what pisses me off is the zeros and O's there is no good way to know wich one is wich... sometimes the zero have the dash crossing it sometimes it doesn't. at least changing the captcha for a most readable one would be nice. in my forum i use a captcha that is so secure that machines can't read it wisely and it stopped the spam but humans are still able to read them, just by adding randoms images behind the captcha. or ammandj could put a refresh captcha button for the cases when we have a difficult one. or that human verification with question answer could also be a good improvment. i just hope ammandj doesn't think i'm complainting with no reason. i just want to upload 100 tracks and have 100 tracks uploaded. this way i upload 100 tracks and i get only 75 or less successfull uploads. bandwidth is not free and neither is my time. i don't mind working but i like to be rewarded for that and this way it makes it nearly impossible to do that. and also ammandj is wasting server resources everytime one upload fails or am i wrong??
Well its not a problem for me because i checked every captcha code before going uploading so that i dont waste my time. Check the captcha very well and you can upload fast.. Btw, ammandj I did not recieved payment and u did not respond in MSN too. You busy?
i check the captcha very well narci, but the zeros and o's together with U's and V's are the problem. too much look alike. you are lucky. when it starts happening to you, you'll see what i mean...
The small "o" are zeros and the dash through the "o" with a slash through it is zeros. The rest are O's.

Just to be safe though, refresh the page if the captcha has zeros or O's
No. that was payments from old uploads that I did and he payed me half only. lol What i am requesting is the other half and 2 days uploads now. :) Anyway I can wait. because he just said that he will pay me asap..
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