Hey you very high for uploading)
I didn't expect it to be the same like 544 yes, but what is 2 anyways, :facepalm: if I would have known these counts I would never use this host in the first place...
Edit: I admit, somethings not wrong with this host, somethings wrong with me to use this host, sorry won't try here anymore, good luck all uploaders out there...
wanna proof? wake up at 3-5 am (your country time) - upload files 101MB and download from different ip's - u should have dynamic ip / proxy? / shell? / friends? - and check there - if there will be some worng counting u have proof for yourself.
in ul.to i know that counting working well but sometime 1-2/per month statistics are frozen for couple hours - but NEVER saw normal cheating in counting - on 3 other filehosting which are no longer avaible i spotted such cheating but on ul.to never
so... go and check, now your situation is.... possible. I'm not only uploader, i also make from almost 2 years big research in filehosting world
also edit:
Edit: I admit, somethings not wrong with this host, somethings wrong with me to use this host, sorry won't try here anymore, good luck all uploaders out there...
yes, u should do it but u shouldn't go to other filehost but.... to find real job in REAL live, here u won't make serious money without spaming