uploaded.to: New affiliate conditions -> 5 EUR per Lead & 10 EUR per TDP

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Hey you very high for uploading :))
I didn't expect it to be the same like 544 yes, but what is 2 anyways, :facepalm: if I would have known these counts I would never use this host in the first place...

Edit: I admit, somethings not wrong with this host, somethings wrong with me to use this host, sorry won't try here anymore, good luck all uploaders out there...

wanna proof? wake up at 3-5 am (your country time) - upload files 101MB and download from different ip's - u should have dynamic ip / proxy? / shell? / friends? - and check there - if there will be some worng counting u have proof for yourself.
in ul.to i know that counting working well but sometime 1-2/per month statistics are frozen for couple hours - but NEVER saw normal cheating in counting - on 3 other filehosting which are no longer avaible i spotted such cheating but on ul.to never

so... go and check, now your situation is.... possible. I'm not only uploader, i also make from almost 2 years big research in filehosting world

also edit:
Edit: I admit, somethings not wrong with this host, somethings wrong with me to use this host, sorry won't try here anymore, good luck all uploaders out there...

yes, u should do it but u shouldn't go to other filehost but.... to find real job in REAL live, here u won't make serious money without spaming
I have a real job already, I'm not into this thing for 2 years like you but I'm into some serious other things for more than 2 years, and I can do whatever I want in this uploading thing, it doesnt concern anyone, anyways, just posting my personal experiences after using this host for a few hours, nothing's wrong with it I think...I advice you to behave better to people, not just telling anyone who starts these things "get a real life etc bla bla" capish?
Again they have changed speeds for free and registered users..

They are changing the speed limits all the time according the servers loads... What new?
and I have to say that these calculated times are pretty accurate.
and I think it's automated, it's changing every few seconds.

* The 43 seconds is for 1 connection.
As I said few times before - if you want 21 second or 11 or 6 second, use 2,4,8... parallel connections.
Just don't forget to look at your daily traffic quota.
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Cancel Paypal Payout: 2012-02-09
Request Bank Payout: 2012-02-10
Got Bank Payout: 2012-02-14

Uploaded.to is honest and trustworthy and that for years already.
I never was disappointed.
I just cancel my paypal payment and I just ask for the bank as soon as I arrive I mention you (soi of Spain so idk if I'll be there to reach me)
I have a real job already, I'm not into this thing for 2 years like you but I'm into some serious other things for more than 2 years, and I can do whatever I want in this uploading thing, it doesnt concern anyone, anyways, just posting my personal experiences after using this host for a few hours, nothing's wrong with it I think...I advice you to behave better to people, not just telling anyone who starts these things "get a real life etc bla bla" capish?

txt u entered here talks very much about u from psychological point.
if u spent only couple hours and start giving marks for ul.to so.....:facepalm:
u should spent couple more to read this threat - it takes about 2-3 hours more and u will have really big knowledge about ul.to issues.

about your real life etc.... all things that everybody here is writing is - "one side statement" and nobody can make ur words reliable so... no need of writting such things

all in all it's offtop, and talking about our views of...behaving - like writting unrealiable opinions about couple hours of using :)) accusing ul.to for things that could happen:)) and u have no proof for it :)) such things in real world ends in court where people learn about responsibility.

EOT for me, do what u want, u're not a partner in discussion for me



Cancel Paypal Payout: 2012-02-09
Request Bank Payout: 2012-02-10
Got Bank Payout: 2012-02-14

Uploaded.to is honest and trustworthy and that for years already.
I never was disappointed.

wow :D what a surprice :D nice that somebody who get peyout write here but statistical point of view 1 people happy = 10 people angry :)
here 10 people angry wrote "where's my money" "i request my payment" etc... maaaany opinions and only couple about - wow they pay :D
for sure 90% people things that maybe u are close to ul.to and your opinion maybe is made by them :D people likes conspiracy theories :D so fu** funny
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I'm from spain too, I have cancelated the paypal request, but I not realy sure to past the money direcly to the bank.. I'm gonig to wait if you get your payout I do it like you.:)

Hola, soy español también. También he cancelado el pago por paypal y ahora esta en el monto adeudado, pero no se si pasarlo al banco directamente. Creo que esperaré a ver si cobras y entonces me animo.

I'm from spain too, I have cancelated the paypal request, but I not realy sure to past the money direcly to the bank.. I'm gonig to wait if you get your payout I do it like you.:)

Hola, soy español también. También he cancelado el pago por paypal y ahora esta en el monto adeudado, pero no se si pasarlo al banco directamente. Creo que esperaré a ver si cobras y entonces me animo.

Amigo! que tal? Compruebe su mensaje privado :)

Hola amigo, en cuanto me llegue el pago espero para la semana que viene os avisare a todos :D un saludo

Hello friend, as I hope to get paid next week I will let you all: D greetings
for sure 90% people things that maybe u are close to ul.to and your opinion maybe is made by them :D people likes conspiracy theories :D so fu** funny
You have paranoia, but that's your problem. :))
This level of discussion is too primitive for me. X-(

Only for you: I am uploader at UL.TO since many years.
I could post the last payouts screenshot, but this is not allowed and would bring many tears into your eyes. :P

So believe it or not. It's your own problem. Kindergarten, we say in Germany.
You have paranoia, but that's your problem. :))
This level of discussion is too primitive for me. X-(

Only for you: I am uploader at UL.TO since many years.
I could post the last payouts screenshot, but this is not allowed and would bring many tears into your eyes. :P

So believe it or not. It's your own problem. Kindergarten, we say in Germany.

your problem is that u doesn't know people psychology :) people here nonstop accusing ul.to so... :D
imagine that almost all people in psychiatrist hospital thinks that everithing is good with them :)
u probably won't understand it :)

about earnings :D haha u really looking for appreciation? :D inteligent people don;t post such things and never talking about it - and u..... :) psychology my friend :D

EOT, write more i like reading such things which are telling so many about authors :)
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One question, I am guessing the bank payment option is only for countries in Europe? Since its a bank transfer (not a wire) and they ask for IBAN?
txt u entered here talks very much about u from psychological point.
if u spent only couple hours and start giving marks for ul.to so.....:facepalm:
u should spent couple more to read this threat - it takes about 2-3 hours more and u will have really big knowledge about ul.to issues.

about your real life etc.... all things that everybody here is writing is - "one side statement" and nobody can make ur words reliable so... no need of writting such things

all in all it's offtop, and talking about our views of...behaving - like writting unrealiable opinions about couple hours of using :)) accusing ul.to for things that could happen:)) and u have no proof for it :)) such things in real world ends in court where people learn about responsibility.

EOT for me, do what u want, u're not a partner in discussion for me

Oki doki doc, guess you're among the guys who has idea of eveything, doing a psycho analysis from a comment here :))

I really dont wanna argue with u here, theres no point, it looks like u'r trying to dig some arguments from my comments, really no point, good luck on ur life and pls dont answer to my comment again...
Guys stop spamming this thread with any payout questions, it doesn't help us if everyone of you asks if we pay, when we pay etc.

PayPal can't be paid because our account is still limited, if you want to cancel your PP payout request, feel free to PM me your Account ID and I'll cancel the request.

Other payment methods are still beeing processed in maximal 10 days.

Can you tell me if those who live in Brazil can use bank transfer to get paid?
One question, I am guessing the bank payment option is only for countries in Europe? Since its a bank transfer (not a wire) and they ask for IBAN?

bad guessing :)
IBAN is your account digits and before a code for your country

your question is because they forgot of writting such infos in TOS

and for.... they will know for who i'm writing it :)
somebody wise said "Never argue with stupid people! They always bring you down to their level then they beat you up with experience!" :)
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