Uploaded.to Has Deactivate PPD Program

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yes i'am a gree with you but remenber all other filehost have a lot of problems and not any problems !!! problems with upload and if you can't upload you cant earn and other problem like payout and download speed .....
so i hope uploaded reopen her official topic here and correct here problems, I think this is the best filehost,more with everything that happens they have scam anyone.....
Dear Customer, 
      Firstly, please know that our affiliate program is still       available.       
      Please notice that the PPD Plan (rewards for downloads) is       currenlty disabled for revision, for an unknown period. Meanwhile,       our PPS Plan has been deeply improved, initials orders are now       rewarded 7 EUR instead of 1 EUR. 
       Yours Sincerely,
        uploaded Ltd.
        Customer Care
        uploaded Ltd.
          Unit 3, 6/F KamHon
          Industrial Building 8
          Wang Kwun Road Kowloon Bay
          Hong Kong

Dear Customer, 
      Yes of course you won't loose your earnings.
       Yours Sincerely,
        uploaded Ltd.
        Customer Care
        uploaded Ltd.
          Unit 3, 6/F KamHon
          Industrial Building 8
          Wang Kwun Road Kowloon Bay
          Hong Kong
7€ per sale is not ridiculous , it's 1€ per follow which is ridulous;.
For exemple a dowloader decide to buy one month premium account (9,99€) to donwload one of my link.
So i earn 7€ and ul.to earn 3€ !
But if the next month the same downloader decide to buy a three month premium account (24,99€) , i will just earn 1€ and ul.to 24€ !

Conclusion : The uploader earn 8€ and ul.to earn 27€. It's not interesting for me....
Ppd gone:-\
One thing I dont get -either iam lucky or what but my files have never got deleted!! Its been almost three months now and all my files that havent got any download count are still there!!! :) what about you guys?
Yes normally you will get 7€.

But people prefer pay 5 euros more to have 1 month premium account !

edit : exactly medcezir. It's almost like oron (no paypal and credit card) but at least uploaded.to pay. But end of this filehost for me...
Dear Customer, Firstly, please know that our affiliate program is still available, and all pending payouts will be paid, as usual. Please notice that the PPD Plan (rewards for downloads) is currently disabled for revision, for an unknown period. Meanwhile, our PPS Plan has been deeply improved, initials orders are now rewarded 7 EUR instead of 3 EUR.

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