Uploaded.to Has Deactivate PPD Program

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They've finally paid me :sun:, maybe they hope i'll upload again on their host, too bad i've deleted all files of one of my two accounts.
This is what happened when filehost leave their uploaders without any information for too long. there is no more trust
I got 1 sell of 1 dollar 2 days ago but I don't know how I did to get it.

Anybody here could give some advices to make sells please ? I have still shared my links to PPD so I don't have any strategy for PPS.
Just a short message to let you know that I finally receive a payment today on AlertPay of €635.00 EUR !! It was long but now it's okay :D

Nice mate! When you requested this payment? and all was generates by downloads only? Or how many premium accounts you sold?
Nice to know that they're still paying. But what about people who requested payment from paypal when it was back some days ago ? Anybody get payed recently using paypal like a payment method ?
I don't remember the exact date, but it's like a month ago.
And all this money was generate by downloads and premium accounts.
669,55 € since the beginning of the year.
Answer on my question: where is my fu.. mon...????

Dear Customer,

Our affiliate program rewards affiliates in this terms :

- every time an unregistered user creates an account with one of your files or with your reflink, you become his referral
- if your referred user buy a first premium account, you'll earn 7 EUR + 1000 points (initial order)
- every time one of our referred users extends his premium account, you earn 1 EUR + 1000 points (follow order)

Please notice that you have several ways to use the PPS Plan :

- by promoting your downloads links (an unregistered user can buy a Premium account when he wants to download one of your files)
- by promoting your reflink (you can find your reflink on ht----)
- by using uploaded.to banners and buttons configured with your reflink (you can find all advertising materiels on http:/-----)

When you have at least 20 EUR on your uploaded account, you'll be able to request a payout to your payment account, which will be processed within 30 business days.

Please also notice that the Affiliate Program won't work with a PPD Plan anymore (download rewards).
can't download from ul.to anymore even with premium account

this is the message i got,
Your IP does not match the IP which was submitted at the request of the download process. Please repeat the entire download process.
Just like fileserve used to do , couple of modem restart and you'r ban for 12/24 hours for having a dynamic ip:facepalm:, bad business practice by ul.to. I have one week left with them and Im not gonna renew my account
yeah they gave me an answer last night telling me to request my payment with another method. Sooo I suggest you people to not waste your time waiting for a paypal payment you will never receive it. Ask to cancel your paypal payment and request it from alertpay or another thing more appropriate for you.
Affiliate program has changed again:

every valid Premium initial order: 60% of the sale
every valid Premium follow order: 30% of the sale


"Adjustment of the Pay Per Sale plan for acquired customers

After the removal of our Pay Per Download affiliate plan, we received a lot of feedback from our dear costumers, both positive as well negative.
The welfare of our of our loyal users is close to our hearts and we try to satisfy each of our costumers as best as possible.

In the course of the announced changes we have put together and noticed quickly, that our affiliate model for referred customers is no longer contemprorary. You'll receive 60% of the first sale of your referred customers, as well 30% of every rebill they generate.

We hope that we could meet your needs and we are looking forward to a successfull business relationship with you."
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