Uploaded.to Discussion Topic - Post all uploaded.to related discussions here!

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@XzJoNzX: how much payouts did you have? if you have about 20 payouts you will have to delete the others to let it show it... it's a bug which i wrote them but they didn't resolved it... -.-

@rooneyviet1: simply... don't upload warez ;)
download not counted... premium user or free user which downloaded before somewhere ;)

and that is the discussion thread!!! omfg! why so much people are so fucking idiots?

download count is also correct!!

Weed, don't get so angry. Chill down....Dude you are too doltish to grasp what i wanna show.u are running out of the logic.i know that files downloaded second time within 24 hour with the same ip won't be counted for payment but how many times a file are downloaded (notwithstanding the ip address) are counted and shown in Files & Folders tab under the download column.But this is not the case in my example ,i showed that in Files & Folders tab download column shows "0" but it was supposed to show at least 1 whether it downloaded via same ip address or not.i didn't ask about valid downloads.

p/s: i know this is discussion thread and i need not learnt it from a doltish person like u.
first... this is a discussion thread and NOT the offiicial support thread! look what YOU written ;)
second point... everyone writes to good hosters that they cheat only cause they make 0.02$ a day but joins every popup hoster...
third point... why you deleted your post?
foruth point... where stands that they show all downloads at the filemanager and not only valid downloads? ;) and maybe it could be a cache problem?

and last question... how long are you working with uploaded? if you would work with them more than 2 years you would know why i write like that ;)
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