uploaded.net - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

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I would not have said it better, this guy is a weeper, every month is the same, he makes a tantrum telling everyone not to use uploaded.net, but he keeps using it when he says he will not use it any more than they are scammers , LOL...

by certain reach to request a payment antier and I have received it today through BTC
Sounds silly maybe, but maybe you do not earn as much money there as I or others do.
They take all the measures: piling up incomes by excessively delaying payouts and selective scamming by banning accounts without reason. Someday they'll be gone all of a sudden. Just like OBAAAAM. Just keep that in mind when sticking to them and use multiple accounts like Checcker does. Be wise or be betrayed. Maybe not today, maybe not next week but it's coming.

And you are still saying you dont upload PORN.... Yeah, keep Lying :emoji_anguished:

I have ZERO porn on my website
why don't you try uploading porn if you think you can earn more with it?

Strange, they pay bitcoin faster than WME?

nope bitcoin was not available for 35-40 days, plus there is a limited amount problem, which you can't request more than 300 € per request
3 accounts closed in 2 weeks. (48 Euro, 128 Euro) I post on a german forum like others and they still have their accounts active (some of them not) but i dont understand why some big uploaders has their accounts active and others like me not. Uploaded is the biggest scam host 2017.
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