uploaded.net - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

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At the moment not available!

We can wait again 6 weeks :D

Could pay out 30% of the balance cause only max 300 € Coupons. It`s a joke ^^

Now I stop working there until I was completely paid.

Above all, why a maximum of 300 €?
I work for them, so I want my money too.
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i cant understand some people who cry evertime that btc isnt available. Use your brain guys and take some other payout methods. Since the problem with the account issues i createt more than 50 accounts and i get all the money from uploaded.

What do you want Tell us? :D

Amazon Coupon isn‘t aviable, too..

Only Bank and WME. That is not a alternative for many people!

Why only Maximum 300 Euro Coupons and most of The Time Not aviable?!!

That hs a reason! They want to Safe Money!

Bank and WebMoney are Not Safe!!!
They not get my personally indos!

I work for uploaded so I want to have get the money! And Not with luck Bitcoin or Amazon payout.
Thats a joke!

I stop working with them and Change to Share online. They always have BTC or Amazon and money.
I want to tell you that you should use your brain before you cry that for example ul dont payout every week. And WME is a very good alternative. You can use a fake account and can change wme easily to btc.

I would not have said it better, this guy is a weeper, every month is the same, he makes a tantrum telling everyone not to use uploaded.net, but he keeps using it when he says he will not use it any more than they are scammers , LOL...

by certain reach to request a payment antier and I have received it today through BTC
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