uploaded.net - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

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help me

Help me.
I had get notification :
(Uploaded.net Support
Dear customer,
Your payment has already been made. However, it can take 30 days before you receive the money in your webmoney.)

I don't understand about it, help me.
Account locked. Please contact Support. WTF

That's a joke! I have the same problem! Once I have this support written then I was free! As soon as I've paid about Bitcoin 3 months I was locked again! I was very pleased! But now I'm pissed off! Please Uploaded.net writes me via PM here on!
No, I was banned! Then again free! Then I paid for 3 months on Bitcoin! Now I'm back locked! So can uploaded.net rip the money! Transaction ID is present! I want to have the three months again!
Seems to me like Webmoney is the only payment option UL is offering.
Bitcoin : Not available at the moment!
Amazon.com : Not available at the moment!
Amazon.de : Not available at the moment!

I noticed something in common about the aforementioned 3 payment methods...they aren't available forever.

I'm not trying Webmoney, they're client base is so minute you have to try buy vouchers via G2A or some other platform like that at a loss. [e.g: G2A: EUR12 gets you US$100]
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full shaving this month
Same here, it's incredible... it's almost nothing what I get a day atm and I'm doing a lot more than before, even more bigger files over 100 MB and I have much (!) less than before. It's really FULL shaving mode. They pay already less than a year ago with the PPD and PPS and are still shaving. I don't understand that and I'm very angry about that.
link Uploaded usually die.

My link usually die, I just upload had one to two day is it die, othough my account is premiun, while link of other people post is live. help me.
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