Guys I accidently bought 1TB backup space using my € balance for 80€
And I send them support ticket, will they refund my 80€ to my account ?
Anyone ?
contact them mate
Guys I accidently bought 1TB backup space using my € balance for 80€
And I send them support ticket, will they refund my 80€ to my account ?
Anyone ?
And I requested btc on 26. Everybody is saying that it only take some hours like normaly 12-24 max 48. Im Waiting more than that...Just waned to request Bitcoin payout and when I fill the form it says "At the moment not available" :thumbdown:
its weekend
in germany / switzerland we dont work on weekends
so you must wait till monday
my last btc i get after 12 hours
How can we know when bitcoin payout is available??
Bitcoin still open after 4 Days. And you all say in a few hours ... That was the last Time I take bitcoin :D
I noticed that in december are only 27 days in statistics.
Is this a bug?
Balance added back to my account, true professionals thanks UL
Received btc voucher in less than 24hrs but I am getting redemption error when I go to bit4coin :thumbdown:
I have problem. When I leech from a collection. There are notepad as below:
Is there any tools help me to export (seperate) to each post per each notepad file so that I can add them to themaposter? Thank you!