uploaded.net - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

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I think his Earnings r real, of cource its a high sum, but its possible easily

You make about ~€20/day, it will take you 110 days to make that amount not 34 as he said, all I said is he may be not telling the real peroid it took him to make this amount, just for knowledg last year I had a payout problem and I accumulated the earnings of 4 months ans it was €1800, not too far from his earnings but on 120 days.
you are all stupid as fuck. he's the creator of rapidleech plugmod script, the one most of you use to leech yours (and others') files between numerous scam domains and then complain here when you don't get paid. no need to be jealous and accuse him for lying just because he knows how to make more than any of you.
Uploaded paye plus

Hello uploaded paye plus sa fait 5 jours que j'ai 0,00euros en gain gagner aujourd'hui alors que j'ai des téléchargements donc faut arreter de se foutre des gens!!!!
I think like friend . I have over 3000 downloads and my balance 0. And it responded to me:
Dear customer,
Thank you for your request.

After checking your account, we can assure you that the counter works correct.
Please note, that only one download per IP is evaluated within 24 hours.

Yours sincerely,
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Il Me Ont répondu pareil Mais Je Pense Qu'ils Ont ultra baisser le prix des Téléchargement Fait maintenant on gagne presque rien pour 1 Téléchargement et sa ILS osent pas le dire !!!!
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guys, i really wonder how they were paying for hybrid traffic !
they didn't earn anything nor got any profit from that !

for example ;

if i pay some money for hybrid traffic to let downloaders download directly without any view of link and without any view of their ads

and then the uploader gets the double amount of what he paid for the hybrid traffic !

if i were them, i would definetly block accounts of uploaders who did this !

i'm not aggressive nor Jealous, NO ! , but we must let our brain works !

i think they are right to do !
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