uploaded.net - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

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Ive requested payout via Bitcoin and I've the notification email "New Bit4coin gift cards available for you" after just some hours.
I accessed uploaded.net/me/coupons but it has nothing with message "No coupons found!"

WTF going on????
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Ive requested payout via Bitcoin and I've the notification email "New Bit4coin gift cards available for you" after just some hours.
I accessed uploaded.net/me/coupons but it has nothing with message "No coupons found!"

WTF going on????

i got the cupon . no problem . maybe u click del the cupon
My UL premium ran out and I still have plenty of $$ in the account but I no longer see the option to pay for premium with that $$. Am I just blind or did they change that?
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