uploaded.net - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

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Can someone tell me how to use my uploaded earnings to get premium? I left uploaded a while ago when i compared my sales with other hosts and realized i earned about 8x more from other hosts compared to uploaded but i'm now stuck with 30+ bucks in my account and i would want to convert those somehow, anyone know?
Click on "extend your Premium account now!", select the package you want, then appears the paymentgate and at the right end is an €-Symbol which you have to select, then your Account is upgraded with your earnings.
PPD freez UL1: 20 CENT / UL2: 3 CENT, WTF!! Same Time ShareOnline (Same Stuff): 78 CENT.
UL1 and UL2 together only 3 Sale´s in 4Months!? (2x7,49+1x 5€)

UL was soll die Verarsche?
Are you fucking retarded? What are you still doing in here? You earn 1 EUR/day, but yet you dare to come here and complain. :facepalm: Aren't you ashamed? Leave this job to professionals. Better go out on street and play guitar.


Its my opinion too. Im glad to see there are still normal people left on the net, i was starting to worry . So sick of the noobs, they smell so bad i can't breath :-&
Iam at SO since 1 month. I have almost every day a sale.
"You can earn 30% from the initial payment of a new customer and 20% from recurring payments."

I use Uploaded since 2 years and only one sale in a week.
People do not let kidding of Cyando! (See Oboom, Cloudzers etc.)

PPD @ Share-online:
"The Multiplier changes with the usage of your files or the effectiveness of this account. Every multiplier change forces the system to recalculate the current points amount WITHOUT ANY LOSS of balance. A raised multiplier will result in a lower points amount, a lowered multiplier in a bigger points sum. BUT (this is important) all further earned points will be affected by the new multiplier and you'll get e.g. a faster growing balance with a raised multiplier!"

So PLEASE leave Uploaded. They kidding you!
i been on share-online for the last five weeks and my files are steadily earning for me. i used to upload files to uploaded.to (earning 30 EUR/day) but i decided to jump ship coz the "shaving" was blatant and earnings reporting feeding to us was erroneous. i'm currently earning an average of 4.5 EUR/day here at share-online: a small amount for me BUT a BIG peace of mind for an uploader like me.
I leaved UL from 2 weeks and now I'm happy with my new host 2 Sales per day :dan: , So f*u*c*k you Uploaded , and thread shoud be closed
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