uploaded.net - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

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Uploaded this is really to much. normal 2-3 Euro PPD but today after the maintenace only 0.36 Cent :facepalm:
this some days more and it really time to say God Bye :wave:
Don't you all see there is a huge attack again ? Lots of sites are under heavy ddos, hostings are blocked from some browsers, many deleted files etc. and you want everything to be normal ?
Things don't work this way ! Im also with 2/3 less but so what, i know why this is happening and ul.to always compensate us in some way (with big premium or more downloads) so we need to understand, wait and let them work on the problems.
What is two-factor authentication?
Two-factor authentication is a system that is used by various online services or banks. This system aims to prevent unauthorised persons to perform actions in your account. This means that even if an unauthorised person would have access to your account, no payout request would be possible unless the attacker has also access to your phone.

How do I enable two-factor authentication?
To enable two-factor authentication, first deactivate the Security Mode. Then enter your phone number and you will receive a PIN code on your mobile phone. Add this code in the right field on the next page. From now on your account is protected with two-factor authentication.

What happens if I lose my phone?
If you lose your phone, you can delete your current verification via this link. Please note, however, that once this process is started payouts are locked for 5 days, at the same time an e-mail and SMS will be sent to your current telephone number. Should you receive such an SMS or e-mail and have not initiated the process yourself, please contact support immediately. It might be the case that a third party has access to your account.
nice way to track warez uploader. what if there is any copyright issue and ul give the uploader phone number to cop?
You can use prepaid-bon phone if you worry about that. I doubt it's that kind of case here.
It's only a good extra strong security to avoid unauthorized access to user account, and also this way UL will not need any extra proofs like this example http://www.wjunction.com/102-file-host-affiliate-discussion/149799-2250.html#post2081411 when payouts are requested...
(y) for this step by UL.
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But this is not mandatory, right?

can someone explain what is Two-Factor? thx

What is two-factor authentication?
Two-factor authentication is a system that is used by various online services or banks. This system aims to prevent unauthorised persons to perform actions in your account. This means that even if an unauthorised person would have access to your account, no payout request would be possible unless the attacker has also access to your phone.

How do I enable two-factor authentication?
To enable two-factor authentication, first deactivate the Security Mode. Then enter your phone number and you will receive a PIN code on your mobile phone. Add this code in the right field on the next page. From now on your account is protected with two-factor authentication.

What happens if I lose my phone?
If you lose your phone, you can delete your current verification via this link. Please note, however, that once this process is started payouts are locked for 5 days, at the same time an e-mail and SMS will be sent to your current telephone number. Should you receive such an SMS or e-mail and have not initiated the process yourself, please contact support immediately. It might be the case that a third party has access to your account.

nice way to track warez uploader. what if there is any copyright issue and ul give the uploader phone number to cop?

nice way to track warez uploader. what if there is any copyright issue and ul give the uploader phone number to cop?
You can use prepaid-bon phone if you worry about that. I doubt it's that kind of case here.
It's only a good extra strong security to avoid unauthorized access to user account, and also this way UL will not need any extra proofs like this example http://www.wjunction.com/102-file-host-affiliate-discussion/149799-2250.html#post2081411 when payouts are requested...
(y) for this step by UL.
please upgrade me to premium
account name: rocker34


Added after 1:

Second payment has status: paid and stil no money in the bank from last one, WTF!!!???

Yeah me too. And probably everyone.
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