uploaded.net - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

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I use "electrum portable" it's easy to use, lightweight and portable; but D'ONT FOGET to write down or print the wallet key sequence (make more than one copy), or you will lose all bitcoins in it, you have been warned.

i don't need software i want to open BTC wallet account

do you know anyone buy btc-e code or bitcoin in your country ?
i request via bitcoin and exchange btc-e code and sell . if u don't know , pm me , i will show u that way
I use "electrum portable" it's easy to use, lightweight and portable; but D'ONT FOGET to write down or print the wallet key sequence (make more than one copy), or you will lose all bitcoins in it, you have been warned.

i don't need software i want to open BTC wallet account

If you click on the bitcoin payout on your UL, they already recommend blockchain.info as the bitcoin wallet and this is one of the biggest bitcoin wallet in the world. I am using it too. Well, if not, just use google to find it. It is almost hundreds of them out there which you can choose.
i don't need software i want to open BTC wallet account

If you click on the bitcoin payout on your UL, they already recommend blockchain.info as the bitcoin wallet and this is one of the biggest bitcoin wallet in the world. I am using it too. Well, if not, just use google to find it. It is almost hundreds of them out there which you can choose.

i make bitcoin wallet on blockchain.info and can i put email on UL Payout
@shahzadali55 : i will show you
first , i request via bitcoin 50 or 100 eu . you must fill the mail , better than u should fill the mail same as the mail you register on uploaded.net
and wait then they mark paid
go to :
http://uploaded.net/me/coupons to see the cupon code
after that go to https://bit4coin.net/en#/redeem
click yes , i'm all set

while your email u can fill different or same with the mail you register in uploaded.net

And the bitcoin wallet you can create from https://btc-e.com/ . after login . click finances and create the btc wallet . the btc wallet will be like this : 18n6cbphC.......

Notes: u must create account in btc-e before 3 days to receive money
i am familiar with bitcoin. there is good chance end of the year we may see 1BTC=150~175USD or less. check the BTC=USD chart last 1 year. you will understand. current high movement is just temporary.

last year march it was 1BTC=634USD and April= 363USD then June=662USD after that it started to go down and now it's 290USD. currency don't just go one direction. currently BTC might be going high a bit but there is good chance it will start to go down after rally a bit. this is all about prediction after seeing price chart.
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i am familiar with bitcoin. there is good chance end of the year we may see 1BTC=150~175USD or less. check the BTC=USD chart last 1 year. you will understand. current high movement is just temporary.

last year march it was 1BTC=634USD and April= 363USD then June=662USD after that it started to go down and now it's 290USD. currency don't just go one direction. currently BTC might be going high a bit but there is good chance it will start to go down after rally a bit. this is all about prediction after seeing price chart.
Lol, in case of uploade.to converting to bitcoin, it is important daily or hourly change only.
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