uploaded.net - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

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My account balance 27/01/2015 72 Euro but suddenly it decrease 22 Euro . I check my open payout show 50 euro , But I 100% confirm that i have no bit4coin account & i not request today for any amount . What happen any one help me :facepalm:
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Extreame Shaving! :cursing: i have today at Share-Online more then X2 PPD, agains UL! This can´not be! :facepalm: UL1 - 11Cent UL2 18 Cent, FCK YOU!
Anyone have problems with FTP Upload? When I try to login with FileZilla I get these errors:

Error: GnuTLS error -110: The TLS connection was non-properly terminated.
Status: Server did not properly shut down TLS connection
Error: Transfer connection interrupted: ECONNABORTED - Connection aborted
Response: 125 Data connection already open, starting transfer
Response: 226 Transfer Complete.
Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing
It is not working for me about 2 weeks.. Before it worked very well.
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