uploaded.net - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

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They just put my money on "hold" status & requested for links & screenshots as proof which I already sent them. Anyone else here who was in the same situation? Were you eventually able to get your money? They better not be fucking around with me. :cursing:
Are you some strong guy? You will hurt them? :facepalm: Last year i have same situation. Sent them what they ask and they sent me payout few days after that.
Why there is no cheap option to buy more download traffic?
buying 1TB more download traffic by hybrid-traffic is extremely high! (43.99 USD)

Isn't cheaper to buy multiple accounts than hybrid-traffic??
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Ya, i had the same problem, on last week, they send me message
Dear Affiliate Partner,

we spotted some irregularities within your account whilst checking your

Possible reasons for this email are:

* alterations in the payout behavior for example a different bankaccount or webmoney ID than previous payouts. In that case we set your payout on hold due to security measures.


* obscurities about advertising.

In that case please explain how you are referring paying users to our platform. Also proofs like screenshots and links to your advertising site are required and highly appreciated.

Please respond within 7 Days, otherwise we may decline your payout request. Once everything is deemed ok from our side, we will gladly expedite your payout request.

Please excuse the inconvenience and thank you for your cooperation!


One day later - after ny replay, i got confirmation letter -

Dear customer,

thank you for your inquiry.

We forwarded your request to our Affiliate Management.

Sincerely yours

Today i got this -

Dear Customer,

Thank you for your inquiry!

Your pay-out request has been completed and the amount will be paid within 30 working days.

Sincerely yours

So, if you didn't do anything bad - simple replay. I'm quit new user on UL - And hope that this was first and last time.
[TABLE="class: list"]
[TR="class: entry checked"]
[TD="class: aR cB amount"][TABLE="class: list"]
[TR="class: entry checked"]
[TD="class: aC small"]2014-11-05[/TD]
[TD="class: aR cB amount"]xxx,00 €
[TD="class: aC cL"]webmoney[/TD]
[TD="class: aR"]checked[/TD]
[TD="class: aC cL"][/TD]
[TD="class: aR"]


still checked
i uploaded some files on that site and i want to set access to them for premium users only , but i can't find that option in the site

so how i can set access to my files for "premium" users only?

Added after 1:

They just put my money on "hold" status & requested for links & screenshots as proof which I already sent them. Anyone else here who was in the same situation? Were you eventually able to get your money? They better not be fucking around with me. :cursing:

they requested "links" of what? and "screenshots" of what?
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[TABLE="class: list"]
[TR="class: entry payed"]
[TD="class: aC small"]2014-11-04
[TD="class: aR cB amount"]***,00 €
[TD="class: aC cL"]bank[/TD]
[TD="class: aR"]paid ---- status at 2014 - 11 -01

but still nothing at bank account ...

also members here that don't have there money at there bank?
I'm searching for a PPD website without surveys for some fans, so I will join you to test your website

Hi. Thanks for using our site! There is no shaving on here!

Also I upgraded your account to premium for 2 years! and your rates has been increased 200% !

Enjoy :D .
[TABLE="class: list, width: 580"]
[TR="class: entry checked"]
[TD="class: aC small, align: center"]2014-11-02[/TD]
[TD="class: aR cB amount, align: right"]still checked :p[/TD]
[TD="class: aC cL, align: center"]webmoney[/TD]
[TD="class: aR, align: right"]checked[/TD]
Just tried to payout via Bitcoin but I got the error: "Im Moment nicht verfügbar!"

Anyone else having this issue?

Yes i did too a few times, i had to exchange quite a few emails with support before they told me that at last it was available.
What was the problem for not being able to get the bitcoin payout.

I now emailed them about the amazon.com vouchers an why I can't access it.I would like to see what their response would be.
Yes i did too a few times, i had to exchange quite a few emails with support before they told me that at last it was available.
What was the problem for not being able to get the bitcoin payout.

I now emailed them about the amazon.com vouchers an why I can't access it.I would like to see what their response would be.

I have never met anybody here from the States that have ever gotten those amazon cards, i tried for months and nothing, as to why the delay with Bitcoin?
am not sure, i made my request either the same day or the day after they started with the bitcoin payment method, and it took around 2 days and 5 emails back and forward before i got the go ahead to cash in the bitcoin voucher, i really do not know why they never have this things readily available, but i suspect that they like to break our balls first.
just start a ticket and see how long it takes you to get the go ahead, it should not be longer than a couple of days, but ignore the repetitive answers that makes you think you are talking to a Bot and without fail make's you want to kill somebody, lol! because even though i have always thought that uploaded people are a bunch of assholes, they have this good thing about them,
They always answer you!
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