and complaining here won't help either. There is no official UL support here. It's a discussion topic for us affiliates to bitch and rant about UL and their system.
ok thank you for your post
i have another question
i do not anderstand about As Premium User you get 30 GB every day. Up to 500 GB
what you mean
look if i will buy Premium for one month how many GB i can download every day
Read TOS 8.6 guidelines. It blocks your files until you change some part of words in your filename such as sleep, trouble, child etc (offensive words) which are not allowed.
Maybe 900 GB?? If you buy Premium you get 100 GB for the first Day.
And if you Download with JD2 only (around) 10% are counted, if you download with Browser or IDM they count correctly, so its better to download with JD2 if 30 GB are not enough per Day.
I feel your pain man, sometimes i think this hosts like uploaded and Freakshare decide to use Webmoney as their only payment method because they know they will not have to pay 1000's of Americans Uploaders that have no access to Webmoney.
well. that is the main reason i stay as a premium user with them, your files stay up longer than anybody else, and even if you get better treatment as a user in most other places, the bottom line is that if you want to see a file again that you uploaded 4, 5 or 6 months ago, your best shot is Uploaded.Net, you get better treated and even better paid in other places(If you are in the business of sharing),
but if the main reason you are going to become a premium user somewhere is to keep your files up for the longest period of time, then at least to me, nobody is better than
I cannot believe i just recommended those assh@les!LOL!
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