Dear customer,
thank you for your inquiry.
We forwarded your request to our Affiliate Management.
Sincerely yours
In ticket i asked them about our payment and i please to do not foward my ticket to affilate management :facepalm:
i called them AGAIN and a weeded girl told me "i can't tell you when you will have your money cauce it's a different department, so please send an email to the support"
ho and after... 5x the same question, she hung up on me !
uploaded owes me € 681 and I am very angry. you believe we get paid?
From where this information? :facepalm:And again.
Payments in this month will not. Accounts uploaded arrested.
From where this information? :facepalm:And again.
Payments in this month will not. Accounts uploaded arrested.
From where this information? :facepalm:And again.
Payments in this month will not. Accounts uploaded arrested.
Im riiiiiiiiiich maafaka :D
Thats a good compensation for waiting !