uploaded.net - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

ul.to | Sinem

File Host - Ul.to

uploaded.to is back at WJunction.com!

While we took a little break from WJunction, we had time to overthink our affiliate models and tried to address the desires of our affiliates, so I'm proud to be able to intruduce you to our new affiliate model:

Pay per Sale & Pay per Download at the same time!


You'll earn 75% of the initial purchase of your referred customers, 65% of every valid* rebill they generate.

Additionally, we implemented the Pay per Download model back into our systems.


All types of downloads are counted: Guests, Free-Account and Premium-Account Downloads
Limitation: 1 Download is counted per IP within 24h from Guests and Free-Account Users, 1 Download per Account within 24h from Premium-Account users.

You receive 1000 Points for each referred product, 10000 Points can be redeemed for a premium account which is valid for one month free of charge.

BONUS 2: You get 2 EUR gifted to your account balance once you register a free account at uploaded.to

Screenshots of our statistics overviews:



Payout requests are being processed approx. 14 days after request, payouts can be requested via Amazon EUR Vouchers, WebMoney and Bank Wire-Transfer at the moment.

So go ahead and start using uploaded - NOW!

-> uploaded.to Registration

If you have any questions or issues with your account, feel free to contact me via pm or make a post in this thread - we will try to answer asap.


You can find a declaration of our Download Counts etc. over here -> Click me!


*Valid Rebills:
If a costumer, which was referred by you, purchases a product within 7 days after expiry of his initial purchase, you'll receive 65% of the price which he paid. If he purchases a product, lets say 3 months after expiry of his initial purchase, you won't receive any revenue.
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Uploaded has a problem of taking DMCA notice from anyone, this is not good, although I left weeks ago, I had some of my tutorials which were 100% made by me removed fro DMCA and when I tried contacting them they sent me a standard message:

Dear customer,

thank you for your request.

We would like to inform you that this file was deleted and is no longer available on our
service. If you receive error messages 404 or 410 instead of the download page of a file, it
means that the file was deleted. The reasons for that can be due to one of the following reasons :

- deleted due to inactivity
- deleted by the uploader
- deleted after a request of a copyright owner

Yours sincerely,"

How stupid !!
[TABLE="class: list"]
[TD="class: aC"][/TD]
[TD="class: aR"] Date Balance [/TD]
[TD="class: aC"] Method [/TD]
[TD="class: aR"]Status[/TD]
[TD="class: blind, colspan: 6"][/TD]
[TR="class: entry declined"]
[TD="class: aC small"]2014-02-27 xxx €[/TD]
[TD="class: aR cB amount"] bank[/TD]
[TD="class: aC cL"]declined[/TD]
[TD="class: aR"][/TD]
[TD="class: aR"][/TD]

Today i checked my account and i noticed that my payment was rejected , Anyone know anything about this issue?
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[TABLE="class: list"]
[TD="class: aC"][/TD]
[TD="class: aR"] Date Balance[/TD]
[TD="class: aC"] Method[/TD]
[TD="class: aR"]Status[/TD]
[TD="class: blind, colspan: 6"][/TD]
[TR="class: entry declined"]
[TD="class: aC small"]2014-02-27 xxx €[/TD]
[TD="class: aR cB amount"] bank[/TD]
[TD="class: aC cL"]declined[/TD]
[TD="class: aR"][/TD]
[TD="class: aR"][/TD]

Today i checked my account and i noticed that my payment was rejected , Anyone know anything about this issue?

R u within SEPA area?

Yes, And I have got payments from UL before this time and this is the first time i faced that !!
how can you always say ul.to is shaving ? :D
there are also other factors for stats, specially for ppd ... you know ...
yes they do shave but not as hard and as often as some people say ;)
They are shaving, when you are having more downloads and lesser earnings, what's it called ? whan you are down to 20% of what you used to earn, what do you call it ? when you post super popular content that gets thousands of downloads daily and you don't get paid for 100 dls, what do you call it ? Whan you are in SEPA country and your bank payout gets declined, what do you say ? when many users tell you they bought account using your reflink but you don't get any sales, what do you say ?
Uploaded is clearely cheating since a year and it's our fault too for not leaving this crap host, and if we are talking about Cyando AG, where are the bank payments for Cloudzer ? they promised they will pay everyone but many with thousands of euros in balance are giving up hope, if they saw it was not working why didn't they pull the plug earlier before many people accumulated huge amounts ? and the same could happen to Uploaded, and don't say it won't happen because we all know what happend to Netload that was as old as Uploaded. So be carefull, and preapre backup from now, I for my self am moving on to another filehost, I really liked Uploaded but now it's just shit.
And for the record i went on and reported a few links, I have no right to do it and yet the links got deleted within few hours, without even asking who I am, who do I represent, do I really hold the copyrights to those links. every reported link gets deleted without any kind of verification and that's what made me leave on top of everything else. Go ahead and try for yourself and see the result.
thats why they should NEVER suspend accounts for "too many dmca abuse"
for a long time now i know that my competition is reporting me but i dont care ... nothing i can do anyway.
As for shaving - for me personally - its early in the morning here and im already on 20E - thats not shaving .
Yes , sometimes the earnings are suspiciously low but as a whole there is not so much shaving as you claim to be.
Plus there are other factors - the content, the place, the country group, the downloaders and lets not forget they count 1 ip / 24 hours.
I tried already with friends buying premium from my links and its ALWAYS on my balance !
The best solution when you think they shave a lot is to change the way you share (the place, the content) until you get it ...