uploaded.net - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

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Uploaded is just cheating and shaving TOO much on PPD, with i posted today I should have at least 5x more than what I received. I am in this "business" for enough time to know what content is popular and what's not, PPD used to bring me 40-50 a day, now i'm lucky if I get 20. They are going to lose many of their affiliates, and they are really testing our patience.

same here, PPD is too low since second week of February.
For leechers, PPD as low as it is now is good enough, they get pure benefit gains.
But for those who bring originale content, it's not, as most of the time we have to pay for the content.
riskcheck rule error - unable to purchase premium

me and my friend haven't been able to purchase premium accounts for more than a month. We contacted support multiple times, but they haven't been able to help. Everytime we try to purchase premium we get errors of this type:
Error with your order!
Token-Id: 633xxxxx
Description: Blocked by riskcheck rule(s):554

We have Visa cards and they work with every other service (Steam, Paypal....). Can you help? Why is this happening?
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