when support was still active here, they said it's 30 business/banking days. start browsing pages if you wanna see it lol.
FTP works flawlessless, and all uploaded file appeared instantly, just tested 15 mins ago.... may be your uploaded files are infringment issue...thus have some problem...Upload do not wrk few of them which does wrk. the link gives 404error. even after usinf FTP file do not appear on Filemanager. So its safe to assume UL ran out of storage
FTP works flawlessless, and all uploaded file appeared instantly, just tested 15 mins ago.... may be your uploaded files are infringement issue...thus have some problem...Upload do not wrk few of them which does wrk. the link gives 404error. even after usinf FTP file do not appear on Filemanager. So its safe to assume UL ran out of storage
40 days delay for pay out
and now again 200 euro in ballance
now its concerning
UL and problem for money ?!!
how its even possible?
they are richest host
I think their WM have some problems:facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:
I think their WM have some problems:facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:
You are waiting from a long time.
I requested on 02 Jan, got CHECKED on 07 Jan.