uploaded.net - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

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Really? Is that webmoney or bank?

WebMoney. Last payments was 2013-11-07. This is 7 business days ago.

I believe most people here received their last Webmoney payments on 11/04 as I did. If you can recall that was when people were fussing about their payments pending for almost a month and ul.to going "scam" and many threatened to delete their files and stop working with uploaded until they paid. And then on 11/04 everybody was posting "thank you uploaded" after receiving their money.
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Uploaded is Shit in the last Time. I have a Reg Number less then 80.000 and i can say some years ago it was really possible to make good money with UL. But what the shave now this is fucking Shit. I have 90 % less then some years ago.
Many People have to stop to work with them that they are understand what they make with the User. But when many children here happy with this some Cent earning then UL never will change back to this what they was. Of Course for the owner of UL better 2 Ferrari then 1 ;)
For the last year (except last 2 payments) were made about every 20 normal days . I think its time for payment this week. If they pay then they are back to normal and if they dont then that means they still have problems ...
[TABLE="class: list"]
[TR="class: entry checked"]
[TD="class: aC small"]2013-11-04[/TD]
[TD="class: aR cB amount"]xxx,xx €
[TD="class: aC cL"]webmoney[/TD]
[TD="class: aR"]checked[/TD]
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