uploaded.net - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

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AdultKing kill Uploaded.net

gfy com / showpost.php?p=19855960&postcount=6034

FBI arrest server in a few days Uploaded.net

Uploaded = Oron = Filesonic

Payments will not be

This is The End.
and what is that site anyway ? I dont think this means anything...
Stop file lockers blog with 100 facebook likes and 1 auto twit of every post . They are supposed to shut down ul.to :D Just some silly ppl with a blog .
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I have the status payed since 5 days and like the last time no money in my bank account !!!
so i'm sure in 3 days my status will changed to checked.... Uploaded down in my esteem !!

I don't make a new request for the moment, and if the next time is the same thing ! i stop ul and delete my files.
I was tired that we take for asshole....
I guess this article just proves that the problem was in some way ul.to was attacked from the right holders and had to make some changes (owner, bank or whatever) and every change takes time so my guess is the money will be on our accounts some time next week.
uploaded is not in the US so i dont think we should be worried. Acta stopped usa based filesonc and fileserve , thats all. Right holders are trying to fart again but i dont think there will be any smell
I guess this article just proves that the problem was in some way ul.to was attacked from the right holders and had to make some changes (owner, bank or whatever) and every change takes time so my guess is the money will be on our accounts some time next week.
uploaded is not in the US so i dont think we should be worried. Acta stopped usa based filesonc and fileserve , thats all. Right holders are trying to fart again but i dont think there will be any smell

what about megaupload, was megaupload in the USA ?
AdultKing kill Uploaded.net

gfy com / showpost.php?p=19855960&postcount=6034

FBI arrest server in a few days Uploaded.net

Uploaded = Oron = Filesonic

Payments will not be

This is The End.

failed attempt to delude other members
first of all uploaded oron and filesonic are not the same
regarding an FBI seizure of servers LOL!
if that was to happen the domain would have been seized first
the domain is working perfectly fine and files can be uploaded without any issue
regarding AK he is a joke and I dont bother about him
he is off making money via donations and he will only be able to impact file lockers who attempt to use Paypal as their Primary Payment option
Well first lets not forget what the fat fuck wanted to do with the artists ;) plus he was in New Zeland and was easy for them. the 3 countries usa is doing whatever they want are Australia, Canada and New Zeland
Uploaded dont have any different files than every other file host even zippyshare or mega drive (owned by Microsoft and havin illegal windows) without any affiliate program. The right holders are going crazy because we make some good money in ul.to and could be even for living and not just to share for 20 bucks per month so you can get few beers . Whatever they do sharing cant be stopped doesnt matter if its uploaded or p2p or ftp or emule or whatever. If they kill uploaded that way another filehost will become first - thats all.
AdultKing is a funny guy and its interesting how he makes his claims when there are affiliate payment delays.

"We have been quietly working to make things more difficult for Uploaded, we'll keep chipping away. We'll get them eventually."

LOL! For the entire year he has been silent and now after he sees the affiliates crying for money here in this thread he decides to make statements.
Now the apes supporting his useless campaign will get their horses high and start to believe that AdultKing has indeed made a big impact.
Nowadays there is more revenue in the field of Anti-Piracy as compared to Piracy.

Even if by any chance Uploaded falls there are tons of options to switch to. It will just be a minor setback for uploaders. This is the reason why mirroring your links is a wise option. You can always rely on payments from the other mirrors if your primary mirror is down ;)
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