No sale on Payment also 
are u sure from this o_oAdultKing kill
gfy com / showpost.php?p=19855960&postcount=6034
FBI arrest server in a few days
Uploaded = Oron = Filesonic
Payments will not be
This is The End.
I don't think so :cursing:AdultKing kill
gfy com / showpost.php?p=19855960&postcount=6034
FBI arrest server in a few days
Uploaded = Oron = Filesonic
Payments will not be
This is The End.
:facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm: >>>>> END !It is our stated aim to shut down and that’s what we intend to do.
after remove all links, ul will pay? good joke...
and what is that site anyway ? I dont think this means anything...AdultKing kill
gfy com / showpost.php?p=19855960&postcount=6034
FBI arrest server in a few days
Uploaded = Oron = Filesonic
Payments will not be
This is The End.
I guess this article just proves that the problem was in some way was attacked from the right holders and had to make some changes (owner, bank or whatever) and every change takes time so my guess is the money will be on our accounts some time next week.
uploaded is not in the US so i dont think we should be worried. Acta stopped usa based filesonc and fileserve , thats all. Right holders are trying to fart again but i dont think there will be any smell
AdultKing kill
gfy com / showpost.php?p=19855960&postcount=6034
FBI arrest server in a few days
Uploaded = Oron = Filesonic
Payments will not be
This is The End.