uploaded.net - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

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Still "paid" since 5 days and nothing ... if the new owner want scam us, he bought UL for nothing .. because a lot of people go out UL ...

Lol...this guy is not capable to think.
Idiot,you are agree to their TOS,which says payout must be done in 30 business days,so you have to wait minimum 10 more days!

Still "paid" since 5 days and nothing ... if the new owner want scam us, he bought UL for nothing .. because a lot of people go out UL ...

Lol...this guy is not capable to think.
Idiot,you are agree to their TOS,which says payout must be done in 30 business days,so you have to wait minimum 10 more days!

30 business days for have the reference paid ok, but not 30 business days for apear in my bank account ... you are an idiot !!!
i work with UL more than one years so i know when i talking about UL

What's going on? :facepalm:

You earned nothing! That's what's goin' on, buddy! :sohot:

Haha, joke aside! Are you on a different time zone than EST +2? Stats reset every midnight (EST +2).

GoodBye Uploaded.
Earned more than 1000 $ from you!!!
Thank you for all.
It is sad to see that you are destroying the No 1 Filehost by your own!!!
Hats off to Mr. Willy (Wupload Admin)
Go to Hell Extabit Admin
Goodbye Uploaded!!!

You will probably not be missed. :P
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maybeee the new owners bank account not located in germany like the old ones, and thats why it takes more time to arrive (i hope so because i got "paid" on the 26th :D )
Very funny... in a German board they call the user here "idiots", so you and me, we are idiots...lol... especially the board leaders have a big mouth there and even when you argue factually they delete your posting(s)... They are'nt able to take criticism.


I'm waiting for my money since last week... Only 4-5 days you can say, but since many years, it was always the next day on my account.

I would'nt have any problems if Uploaded would change their policies for sending money after 60 or 90 days. And I would'nt have any problems if Uploaded would say, sending money takes 10 days, but I have a problem how they act now without any communication...
Thanks guys. Seems strange.. and seems I have to move my 10k files to another filehost :/ Even though I never had a problem with payout, better safe than sorry.
So for be clean ! :

23 sept > i make my request for 440 euros via Bank (i have make ago 9 sames successful operations)
23 sept > 2 hours later, ma request was not displayed on the listing page >> So i contact the support
29 sept > I can make a new request and my solde no contain my others 440€
29 sept > after 4 emails to uploaded, i receive this answer :

Dear Customer,
thank you for your request.
We inform you that we have not received any request for payment.
The last date of 27/8 final.
Thank you again for your request.

29 sept > So where is my money ? UL is a scan since that's the new owner, so could you stop that and lock the topic please?

PS: TROLL OUT please.

Also, anyone could be reply me in PM about other hostfile like UL ? thx...
23 sept > i make my request for 440 euros via Bank (i have make ago 9 sames successful operations)
23 sept > 2 hours later, ma request was not displayed on the listing page

My request from 24 sep., and i dont have this problem. I see all my request. I think it's only your problem. You are a tick in the Filters ?

Or you are taking revenge for this shit :-=

I'm with Statut Paid since 48 hours ! UL SCAM !

Uploaded SCAM !
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