uploaded.net - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

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On a german board, many others are reporting the same thing : Payment marked as paid and no money in bank after 3 days when normally it would be there in 1 day.
My guess they are using a cheaper, and thus slower service to send bank transfers !
Help with Changing Payout Method

Last time I changed my payout method was over a year ago. I need to change my Webmoney account number. I have been checking every where on my account on how to do that. Perhaps I am too slow today, but I cannot find how to do it. Can anyone help? Please!.....

Never mind! I found the answer right here.....in case anyone wants to know..

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It seems Uploaded and Cloudzer are having many problems with payouts !!
Really bad !!

I received my payout from Uploaded just three days ago via bank transfer. It appeared in my account the day after.

They even paid me within 30 business days as promised in their TOS.

... and my new requested payout went from "Open" to "Checked" in just one day.

Are all of you guys sure that you've all waited 30 BUSINESS days before complaining?
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It seems Uploaded and Cloudzer are having many problems with payouts !!
Really bad !!

I received my payout from Uploaded just three days ago via bank transfer. It appeared in my account the day after.

They even paid me within 30 business days as promised in their TOS.

... and my new requested payout went from "Open" to "Checked" in just one day.

Are all of you guys sure that you've all waited 30 BUSINESS days before complaining?

In my case it's 35 BUSINESS days it means 48 days NORMAL after. But payment on WEBMONEY not via BANK TRANSFER. They always paid me after 10-15 days since I worked with them (for almost year) And now I waiting for payment which they PAID me in status, but I really received nothing. I think their support thieved the money and now they even don't want to explain why I not received that money. It was almost 300 euro so its nice bonus for one of them.
am I the only one that recived very huge amount of dmca today? I guess they don"t check the dmca requests.Same files on other host that I use at mirror are not deleted. I understand that they shave huge amount of sales in order to keep big ppd rates, but that is too much.
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am I the only one that recived very huge amount of dmca today? I guess they don"t check the dmca requests.Same files on other host that I use at mirror are not deleted. I understand that they shave huge amount of sales in order to keep big ppd rates, but that is too much.
i changed about 1k links since yesterday :D
i guess we wait till monday and see what will be then :D
For shaving purposes, only sales made through credit card and paysafescard are counted, also sales by a debit card (yes you read right DEBIT) are not counted, just like the 48h premiums.
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