uploaded.net - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

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means cloudzer course there scam but people still share links and there muppets cause all that work they putting in and not gonna get paid eiver they will find out the hard way
Same here.

It's probably old subject already but, do they still pay since cloudzer seems to have scammed and they're both run by the same company?

they pay i just recive 100 € via bank wire couple days ago.... cloudzer still nothing i have made request a 2 months ago

CLZ is scam. They piad just 2-3 guys. I have 100+ EUROS in CLZ and I can't even get money because they don't have WEBMONEY.

What is CLZ?

cloudzer !
Where is Till? Last activity more than 3 weeks ago.
I sent e-mail to customer service. I was requested a payment to my bank account. It's didn't arrive.
I requested another one in August it's came.
But the previous didn't.
Don't know what is happening.
No answer from support. Both Turkish and English.

Uploaded losing it's seriousness.
been more than a day and i still cant convert points or delete files from remote upload. this is definitely not a computer related issue cuz i tried it from 3 different computers
Sales & downloads are both working fine. But remember sales are not much of these days reason is obvious everyone already have ul account so chances are low. so just pray when someone create new CC like its done everyday he/she like your content and bought a 2 year account :) and your average of this month should be up to the mark where you should think :)
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Due to lack of support. This thread has been moved to File Host Discussions.

This thread will remain open, in part, because of consistent payouts to their users.

Feel free to continue discussing Uploaded.net services, but remember that official support as of this time has been discontinued here on WJunction.com.
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