uploaded.net - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

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One of the worst filehosts ever.. we all get screwed and no one cares because we still get paid a little. One rebill out of every 50 sales, uploaded pockets 100% of the other 49.. GARBAGE HOST! I'm sure all you fools will continue to work with them too.
Stats not work ??? Allready 12.44 hour not 1 Cent. This is impossible that there are only people from wrong country are downloading or people where the IP was allready used in the last 24 hours :(
One of the worst filehosts ever.. we all get screwed and no one cares because we still get paid a little. One rebill out of every 50 sales, uploaded pockets 100% of the other 49.. GARBAGE HOST! I'm sure all you fools will continue to work with them too.

I agree with you, this is they business and steal all they want ( they have statistics of how many generate each user, and steal proportional parts ) because isn't so much competition.

Call it monopoly.
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