uploaded.net - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

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LOL uploaded pulling the same shit they do all the time. Delay payments and not say anything. The longer you people wait for payments, the more money UL gets. It's not hard to understand. There's no valid reason for a delay other than they want more money.

The support here sucks cock. Dude replies to 5% of the questions and the admin here don't give a shit because UL pays for their hosting.
I read the TOS, and it clearly states that I should bitch when UL is slow sending out payments.

It also states that you are a douche who used to go by Alex before you were banned for being a cock mongrel.
LOL uploaded pulling the same shit they do all the time. Delay payments and not say anything. The longer you people wait for payments, the more money UL gets. It's not hard to understand. There's no valid reason for a delay other than they want more money.

The support here sucks cock. Dude replies to 5% of the questions and the admin here don't give a shit because UL pays for their hosting.

sucks cock o_o o_o o_o

To unlock that use https:// in place of http:// ,then you can use uploaded.


Hope this works.
I will check this later as currently I am using Airtel and problem is in DOCOMO.
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