Stupid question... When you have POS you have a reason for everything what is written in it...I know the payment takes 30 work-days but why is it not possible that ul can pay out faster?
Ok now I also believe that they are shaving sales.While I get 24 sales today from another host,I get 0 from UL.Not possible at all
^^ who cried noob.. I observed something and shared it on this thread with some facts.Why are you whining? My message is aimed for UL staff not for you,Don't quote me and talk rubbish.Just mind ya own god damn business.
When sales are low,and inform about it to staff.and asking what's going on is also "support". related matter.
Problem solved
About the users that said that sales are low yesteday i got good sales of 6 months.There are days that i got nothing but hei i have my real job too.As i said in one of my older posts see the uploading thing like hobby that help people to download good stuff and not just for money.Its way better to feel that you make good to other people and helping and about the money see them as a bonus.
you are contradictory:
1. uses multiple accounts
2. you spam your limks in blogs all over the world with your stupid robot-message
3. if you are not important for the money and you want to help downloaders, you must do exactly the opposite, use putloker and the like .... and not break the balls to people who "works"!
4. hypocritical
I hope you activate the account later why blogs are cleaner this morning