uploaded.net - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

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I actually did business with him yesterday . Converted some WMZ to LR.

Quick transaction :)


I think they dont interest with us:heiligenschein::-=, they may be go away,:sohot: cause they are not official webmoney verified.:139::-&


It's forbidden to offer exchange services in WJ.

So, this is why they have no thread on WJ :-=

i'm afraid that they stole our money and run away !!! :facepalm:

NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!o_o o_o o_o

@ https://twitter.com/ul_to/status/331819742585303042

uploaded.net uploaded.net ‏@ul_to We are experiencing ddos attacks right now. We are working on it

Now, this is some good explanation.



I think other file host/hosts is behind these attacks. :-=

PS: They are online now. :fly:
Server Type:Apache/2.2.16 (Debian)IP Address: Reverse-IP | Ping | DNS Lookup | Traceroute Whois Server:whois.enom.comASN: AS16265 LEASEWEB LeaseWeb B.V. (registered Feb 12, 2001) IP Location: - Noord-holland - Amsterdam - Leaseweb B.v. Response Code:200Domain Status:Registered And Active Website
UL Why you continue to NOT Count OUR sales??? this is very bad action and not correct

50 days with 2 sales....and over 150000 downloads, while in past i had for months 4 sales daily...
UL should remove 48h option or credit PPS for it. Atm it only serves as an alibi to explain why there is so many registrations and no sales. I can't see that many people buying 48h subscription for 5eur when they can get 1 month for 10eur. And even if they do I imagine some of them would buy longer subscription later but UL would have us believe that most of the people are getting 48h subscriptions and most of them don't extend for longer periods.
i started using new filehost about a month ago and work really hard to commy all my unique stuff there to new topics and new www. After that time with still using ul.to i have about 400-600 downloads daily on ul.to and between 6-9 000 daily on the new one!
But! The new one count's all downloads like ulto some time ago (1 download from 1 IP every 24h).
The worst thing is that new filehost not provide wire transfers............ for me it's terrible

and... on ul and new site i upload THE SAME files. I'm not making mirrors so test and opinion is free of such things.
ACTA started bad changes.... also changing ownership of ul... it's not the same ul like 1.5 year ago! When daily it was easy to earn minimum 100 euro (when initial sale give's only 3 euro:) )
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