uploaded.net - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

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i have 1 question regarding rebills issue,
as we all know Ul.to count valid rebills if the premium user extend their premium not longer then 7 days after expired, what if:
premium user already bought 2 premium of 6 months, then he got 12000 point (he's extend his premium not more then 7days) then after the 2nd premium he extend his account with point (same like before he's extend his premium not more then 7days) and after the premium expired again then he extended again (same not more than 7 days) and this time he buy the premium not exchange his point
1. do we got the 4th rebills
2. thats not count as rebills because he extend the 3rd premium with point even he not bend ur tos rule (the valid rebill rule)
NOTE : UL.till please answer this

hi Till please answer this question... :friends:
Are those normal stats when it comes to rebills?

I am posting here a screen with my stats and want your opinion. Maybe an opinion of some older uploader with this service or something

Do you think those are normal stats when it comes to the rebills section? You can easily look that I work at the same rate because I have a lot of downloads so that variable can be eliminated!

First image are stats from late February and then the begining of March and then the end of it... and only 2 rebills...

Here is the screen:


I mean I worked so hard to get those stats and sales and I waited for this period to do some more earnings which I found it normally in my opinion but the rebills just won't come. And now I found out about the 7 day rule which in my opinion is lame but... I can't do anything about that.

So again is this normal?
Hi, I have another question...
They have this rule with the 7 day right. So for example if the first extension is made in the 8th day then I will receive nothing but again this will expire...
Now my question is: Do I receive 65% if the second time when he is extending his account is making that in the 7 day period? Or we loose that forever if the first extension is made after 7 days?
Is anybody understanding the question because I don't know how to make it more clear....
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So again is this normal?

dunno if this is normal but rebills come pretty much rarely.
if i see my stats...if advertised accounts is 100%,
i'll get 50% from that to premium
and from this premium i get around 15% rebills...
the truth is i working only since end of Nov.2012 with UL so i am not really an 'old' uploader except my own age :cough:
dunno if this is normal but rebills come pretty much rarely.
if i see my stats...if advertised accounts is 100%,
i'll get 50% from that to premium
and from this premium i get around 15% rebills...
the truth is i working only since end of Nov.2012 with UL so i am not really an 'old' uploader except my own age
You are much older than me. I work with them from the end of February...
So I really appreciate your answer as it is useful to me!

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