I see a lot of comments, people sayin `stop complaining, and start working hard`..
How much fk hard you must work, to make a fk euro day?? I upload hundreds of giga everyday, and i barely do 0.50-0.70c a day..
and one sale or 2 a month?
Here is not about working hard, its about do the impossible...
You're right, working hard is stupid, sure it could give you some good results, but working hard as always been worse than working smart.
Here is how i solved the problem of the lack of official stats, using a freely available tool, now i can see how many people click my links and from where the clicks are comming, and when it's the best time to post (as you can see 10:10 / 10:50 is the best time for me to post) and yes, i post 2 files daily, i don't need to spam my files, i'm working smart, but you guys can keep bitching about why you earn .20c daily instead of stoping for a second and thinking how you can get people to download your files WITHOUT CHEATING OR SPAMING, here is a tip: stop posting what everyone else is posting, you only need 300-500 valid downloads daily to get an okay revenue, but you aren't going to get them if there are other 1000 links with the same content in the same fucking website.
Sure you're not going to find out how to get 500 people to download your files daily in 10min, it can take you days to figure out an strategy, but once you find a way to get them to download you will get paid for the days you spend thinking.
And thanks to this tool now i know that uploaded doesn't steal any fucking download and that the stats never freeze like many love to cry, there are good days and there are bad days, but that's not uploaded fault.
Site is not loading for me :-(
It was loading a bit slow for me, maybe friday night overload.