kapitalnie i`m not agree sales with both forums for me are great! if you upload shits and don`t know how to earn good money from this forums it`s your problem not mine.. forums are great!
just in one day....
kapitalnie i`m not agree sales with both forums for me are great! if you upload shits and don`t know how to earn good money from this forums it`s your problem not mine.. forums are great!
just in one day....
hi, sorry if I ask to you, but what is the URL where you get this kind of statistic on sales? It's the first time I see it. Thanks
Light and Classic don't have any limits, i ask this from WM support too and they confirm (My WMID is Light and there is no limit on it).
Till, please check my PM just sent to you
Site is up and running well but this part http://uploaded.net/affiliate#outpayments is not accessible for me....weird...