uploaded.net - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

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vAiLan - it's true, pbb and forumo are not the forums that you "have to" stick with, like I said before I didn't see any drop at downloads or sales after both of them banned uploaded.
kapitalnie i`m not agree sales with both forums for me are great! if you upload shits and don`t know how to earn good money from this forums it`s your problem not mine.. forums are great!
just in one day....

vAiLan I thought you were smart guy and I thought you would never use words like this, however did I offend you at any point or in any way? So why the hell you offend me? I just shared an opinion, I didn't say anything else. But you had to showoff and say I must have "shit content". Well, literally I have "shit" content if you know what I mean but I do not think I have a bad content that doesn't generate any sales. If it was a true, then I wouldn't have a lot of sales - I am thinking most of them I am getting from suzy and fritchy + niche forums. Sure I can't check how many sales I was getting from pbb and forumo since Uploaded doesn't offer this option, but like I said - I didn't notice any drop at sales or downloads after banning Uploaded there. And trust me, I had a lot of posts and views to my threads on both of those forums - and yes, I am curious why this is happening but this is a fact and I am just saying. But you had to prove your point...
kapitalnie what i want to say is pBB and fOP are great forums.. and if people say both forums are not good i can`t agree because they bring me sales everyday... i mean every, if people cannot earn from this sites this mean their content it`s not good enough, i don`t want to offend you or etc.. i just proof you, you are not right about this forums.. and honestly my question was to Till so i expect asnwer from him about my question, not argue how good or not are both forums from other people.. thank you
kapitalnie i`m not agree sales with both forums for me are great! if you upload shits and don`t know how to earn good money from this forums it`s your problem not mine.. forums are great!
just in one day....


hi, sorry if I ask to you, but what is the URL where you get this kind of statistic on sales? It's the first time I see it. Thanks
Light and Classic don't have any limits, i ask this from WM support too and they confirm (My WMID is Light and there is no limit on it).

have you ever accept more than 600$ without problem in one transaction?

im asking you, because im in the same situation (formal passport, keeper light), and next week i might recieve more than 600..
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