uploaded.net - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

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Great news that you guys worked out the problem with webmoney, shame on me for beginning to doubt you. You rock Til, I'll be hoping for payment in the next day or 2.
i have 1 question regarding rebills issue,
as we all know Ul.to count valid rebills if the premium user extend their premium not longer then 7 days after expired, what if:
premium user already bought 2 premium of 6 months, then he got 12000 point (he's extend his premium not more then 7days) then after the 2nd premium he extend his account with point (same like before he's extend his premium not more then 7days) and after the premium expired again then he extended again (same not more than 7 days) and this time he buy the premium not exchange his point
1. do we got the 4th rebills
2. thats not count as rebills because he extend the 3rd premium with point even he not bend ur tos rule (the valid rebill rule)
NOTE : UL.till please answer this
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UL are shaving Downloads, i got over 11K Downloads since 21-03-2013 and they give me Only 7 Euros Since that date.Is it not Shaving or Scamming then what?
Mr.Till now don't say that over 7 or 8K downloads may have been Aborted or downloaded from debrid sites.
I've Posted screen shot of my stats on 23rd Mar 2013.
Tomorrow i will Post Screen shot again with latest stats.
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UL are shaving Downloads, i got over 11K Downloads since 21-03-2013 and they give me Only 7 Euros Since that date.Is it not Shaving or Scamming then what?
Mr.Till now don't say that over 7 or 8K downloads may have been Aborted or downloaded from debrid sites.
I've Posted screen shot of my stats on 23rd Mar 2013.
Tomorrow i will Post Screen shot again with latest stats.

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i just hope those having a bad attitude that they look for another job than keep whining when something goes wrong,lolzzzzzzzzzzzzz you better sleep thw whole day on your bed :) welcome back uploaded, goodbye mockers and hypocrites,hehe
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