uploaded.net - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

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Yes it does, i'm fasing the same problem than them, and webmoney can't/doesn't want to share more info other than there is a technical problem, otherwise they wouldn't be paying with bankwires if it was a money or any other tinfoil problem, you want to be paid sooner? send Till an PM asking him to cancel your webmoney request, and place a new one for a bank wire or amazon voucher, if neither works for you then just be patient, and wait for webmoney to fix their problem with external cards.

UL isn't paying bank wires, either. It's likely the banking disruption in Cyprus. Other filehosts are paying out just fine.
... Every time that an user buys/renews his premium account they get 1000 points and after 10 months of renewing their premium accounts they will exchange 10.000 points for a free premium month and you, my friend, will lose that "monthly rebill" for sure...

If losing rebills after 10th month was my only concern with rebills and uploaded, i would be the happiest uploader ever :dan:
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if you guys foresee that this problem still unresolved for this coming week. please try to find some alternative payout option such Skrill/Moneybookers, Solidpay, or much better if Liberty Reserve. I'll stay with this host despite of this problem because i know ul.to will resolve this problem soon.

if you guys foresee that this problem still unresolved for this coming week. please try to find some alternative payout option such Skrill/Moneybookers, Solidpay, or much better if Liberty Reserve. I'll stay with this host despite of this problem because i know ul.to will resolve this problem soon.

Skrill (Moneybookers) do not work with file hosts.

If it is the Cyprus bank issues affecting the WebMoney problem, I just read somewhere that the banks will most likely open again Tuesday, so let's wait and see.
Spreading rumors is not good at all, if you turn back some pages, U can see people got bank payout.

Nope... Ppl dont recive any payment since 25th february... No webmoney payment, or bank transfer... I request bank transfer on 1st march, and i didnt recive payment yet...

I hope they will pay me next week. I understand that them have problem, and I hope that they will fix it in future.
About webmoney payout trouble, you guys are such ignorant, there is a big banking problem in Cyprus, all banking tranfert are suspended, this financial place is a key place, i guess uploaded has their banking system link to this place :)

Yes you are right! Seems you are the only one who understood that.
Big problems with all banks in Cyprus. Banks will open again on Monday or Tuesday in Cyprus.
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