When do you solve the forumophilia and pornbb problem???
I think the question should be "When do Forumophilia and PornBB solve their problem?".
They can't even give a legit reason for banning Uploaded.net, just saying "Spammers hosting" <-- LOL, what is this anyway?
From my point of view, it smells like a matter of cash. Perhaps Uploaded don't want to pay the forum owners cash for being an "allowed filehost", which, if that is the case, is a fantastic decision. Why should they? They are a large filehost with tons and tons of members and users. Why would they want to pay those cash-whoring webmasters for "being allowed" when they are already allowed on almost every other board? PlanetSuzy for instance.
I remember the admin of the imagehost "ImgChili" once said that they were taken off the list of allowed imagehosts (I think it was on PornBB) because they didn't want to pay the webmaster a huge sum of money to stay allowed there.
In the world we're living in, we're constantly told to elaborate whatever we say or whatever we do, so when the Forumophilia admin gives a lousy excuse saying "Spammers hosting" followed by locking the thread to avoid any further replies or questions, it is not only a childish behaviour, it also looks like he's afraid of a little discussion because "what if the people - the users we are making tons of $$$ off of - asked how much we wanted from Uploaded to stay on the allowed filehost list???".
So, Computerbuddy, I don't think Uploaded.net has anything to solve. As a matter of fact, I think the real problems rely on them webmasters who acts childish on so many levels that the behaviour of a eight year old would look more mature compared.