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Something is seriously wrong about stats. i used to get 4 to 5 sales everyday and suddenly for last 10 days there is not even a single sale. I would have been ok if sales keep fluctuating but not even a single sale for past 10 days is what is suspicious.
stat is ok...

from my expirinace.. i request bank transfer... Always need 16-17 days to request been checked and paid... And then 5-6 days to recive payment. I alwaysrecive payment in 21-22 days after I request payment.
mostly my banktransfer needs too 3 weeks but the last needs 4 week.
but this are too ok.
at real work normal too wait 1 month for the money
@UnimatrixZero : wht do u think man.. i had just started using UL.. wht do u think you are... my previous filehost status is more better then this one...
next time better watch your words...
@UnimatrixZero I think that what he was showing on that image, is that his stats went down. At least that's what I understood on his previous messages.

Check here: http://www.wjunction.com/1777691-post7883.htm

@UnimatrixZero : wht do u think man.. i had just started using UL.. wht do u think you are... my previous filehost status is more better then this one...
next time better watch your words...

What do you expect? You post your screenshot at 07:06 AM European time showing how today is very, very low compared to the previous days. The day has only just started when you post your screenshot along with your whining and you expect your earnings to be sky-high already? Come on.
whts ur time now... Today, 06:32 PM
mine was Yesterday, 07:18 PM
now go ahead man...

My time now is 13:54 which is in the same timezone as Switzerland in which ul.to operates. Therefore, when I saw 07:06 am, it is the exact same time as the system of ul.to and earnings were reset only 7 hours before your post.

Sales are credited instantly?

I read on another forum that sales are recorded with a delay of 7 days but I'm not sure this information.

Earnings are cached and are updated every 5 minutes.
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