Its not what kind of warez he upload but where he post them.I make an expiriment.January i post only in 2 forums the same stuff.I got a bit over 200 euro for month January.In February i find a new private forum.I post there 5 hours the day for the month February.I got 490 euro for the month February with over 40 sales.This month in 3 days i has 60 euro till now but i dont post in this forum.
The secrets are 2.
First is to find a private forum(no crap like warez-bb/tehparadox) that there are over 1000000 uploaders that upload every minute thousands of posts but private forums with 5-10 thousands members that are only 2-3 big uploaders and post only in this forum.You will got many many sales every day.
Second is to make your own blog/site and make it known to many people and post quality stuff in order to trust you and buy premium from your links.Is hard to make this 2 above real but not impossible.After you make this you will earn 500-600 euro each month from the many sales you will have.
Good luck to the good uploaders.