uploaded.net - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

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Originally Posted by ul.to | Sinem

You can find a declaration of our Download Counts etc. over here -> Click me!

Pffff, stopped to hide behind it, this is bullshit. Open your eyes, 177 for 37, and for you no probems....
let me laugh
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hey mate i am a premium user. but am unable to resume my links while downloading.
i use the latest version of internet download manager.
what might be the reason for it?
A conversation with a downloader:


"Would it be possible to upload link for file "XXXXXXXXXXXXXX" to netload.com? I have problem to make premium account and downloading anything from uploaded.net"


''From what country are you?''


''I'm fron UK.''

Till please fix this problem with buying premium accounts
hey mate i am a premium user. but am unable to resume my links while downloading.
i use the latest version of internet download manager.
what might be the reason for it?

We don't support the IDM, you should try jDownloader instead.

A conversation with a downloader:


"Would it be possible to upload link for file "XXXXXXXXXXXXXX" to netload.com? I have problem to make premium account and downloading anything from uploaded.net"


''From what country are you?''


''I'm fron UK.''

Till please fix this problem with buying premium accounts

@till again this is extremly important and imperative that i get some sort of answer

i have telephoned your support, but there help was poor they told me to direct my question in an email several days ago, again i have not heard a response, why you couldnt answer me over the phone i dont no?

PLEASE can you get bvack to me i have problems with my memebrs not being able to signup becasue the visa/debit card option has disappeared

i have some users in the uk trying to renew there account with uploaded, however, some users cannot signup via credit/debit card anymore wereas they signed up initially with there credit/debit card

some users dont have the option to signup with debit and some do in the uk?>

why is this, and when will this be fixed!???

also some new users when signing up for premium have the options of paying via credit card/debit card and some dont , why is this?and pleases can you address this problem


Do this user use proxies? Do you maybe know the internet provider of them? We need more informations to sort out an problem like this.
Ul.to But you're lying. Cheating on the sales. Why? Time 10.30 am Stats upgrading Earnings March 2013. March began 11 hours ago no 10.30 am.

Don't talk nonsense.
Ul.to But you're lying. Cheating on the sales. Why? Time 10.30 am Stats upgrading Earnings March 2013. March began 11 hours ago no 10.30 am.

Don't talk nonsense.

What is the problem could you explain it?

If i understand it right: We don't update stats in live time, how often do we need to say this?
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