uploaded.net - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

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Guys if i want to cancel the payment i requested what should i do ?
and is it possible if i cancelled it to request it again after a couple of days ?
thanks in advance :)

PM Till

yes u can :)


guyz what is the limitation of euros i can receive in WME purse "mini"
I have formal passport on WM and and I can access Webmoney keeper classic and also on my browser too (I think it's called webmoney mini)
How much maximum money i can receive in my WME purse every month?
No this is not right.Again if 100 imported files exist from original the Original uploader will earn all these 60% of all these 100 imported files.

So if you import the file from original and then someone else imported your imported files you will not receive the 60% but the original uploader.This is the reason the real uploaders(10-20 that uploaded)in uploaded.net or rapidgator(with remote upload) that upload the original files receive so much ppd euro every day(20+euro just from this).

Just to confirm it, if a person import a imported file, the uploader of the original file, not the first importer, will get the %.

the site bug, all my files put in folders disappeared....

Could you send me your account id so i can take a look into this.

how many days of file inactivity for free users? 30?

180 days for all sort of users.

Guys if i want to cancel the payment i requested what should i do ?
and is it possible if i cancelled it to request it again after a couple of days ?
thanks in advance :)

Just send me a pm and yes you're able to request a new payout even right after the other one got declined.

UL.TO any file over 200 mb are not counted in the downloads i think is a bug users please check the count in the files i am the only one?

Could you send me your account id so i can take a look into this.


Regarding Amazon payout, I know you mentioned that you only have a set amount of vouchers to disburse and that we'll have to wait for the next batch, but there are others on here that have claimed its been well over a month that they've tried cashing out through Amazon.com and the message has been the same. Can you please give me a time table of when we can use this method for payout? I'd really like to get paid at some point and impatience is starting to form. Thank you

We're currently waiting for them to send us the vouchers, iam not able to tell you any date or something.
Hello Till!

Alot of people have been complaining that they aren't able to request money with bank transfer because they're outside of the EU, etc., having problems with WebMoney and whatnot...

So here's what I thought of:

How about adding the payment option "Cheque"? A cheque with the requested amount could be sent via snail mail so everyone could be paid that way. Of course, the costs of the mail delivery would have to be deducted from the requested amount of €.

Just a suggestion.

Have a nice day and thank you for providing such great support. :)
I think so. You can ask webmoney support - https://support.wmtransfer.com/asp/services.asp?lang=eng


i had , but they told me that they only provide support for russian payments !!

but i have found this
Who Shouldn't Use Mini?
Advanced users or those, requiring extra security features;
Customers, operating considerable amounts (larger than 200 WMZ/WME per purse daily).

then i can receive 140 euros in my WME "keeper mini" , anyone can confirm ?
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