uploaded.net - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

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I think some action should be taken by UL against the .....
Unnecessarily they are showing themsleves so much smart dumb headed by attacking UL rudely, Till clearly staed tech is working also some people get back the money,and technical error is not uncommon to people!!! but these guys still barking ...
I dont know why download speed from uploded to my vps in usa is so slow last days... Today speed are under 50kbps... When i download from bitshare or soem other place i have over 10Mbps...
Come on guys i left all the day in a trip and just now i log in wjunction and see what?10 pages full of complain about one bug.These are normal it was just a bug.When we talk about uploaded you havent to worry about bugs.They will fix them as soon as they can.All ending fine so Congrats to uploaded team.Also waiting for the payment.07/10 requested via bank transfer checked.Keep up..
I'm confused here a li'l bit
Account Holder : My Name
Bank : Account Number or Bank Name ?
IBAN : AFAIK only eu banks and few others have IBAN but not Indian banks
Swift/BIC : I know this one.

Can any Indian who has successfully received Bank Transfer from ul.to clarify this ?
Hum.... all banks have an IBAN: International Bank Account Number .... if you don't know what's yours, you should contact your bank account manager and ask him.
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