uploaded.net - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

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From a good uploader, i swear today is my best in terms of earnings from the beginning of my work with UL. i was offline this whole day, after i came home i was like "WoooooW, WTF.... how did i got all of this without posting content from 2 days"

Probably because u took alexvtk's advice and started to work better
Hi, Just a simple question. I know there was a lot of fuss regarding the payments and I read the TOS but just a little aspect those of you who already had this thing.
I requested a payment on 2013-01-27 with Bank option... The status is still open. Is this normal, to be still open in this time? I had the impression that the status would change after 5 days or something like that to "checked"...
I am not screaming or something just want to know this aspect.

Best regards!
I took alexvtk1's advice and started to work better and clearly, it pays off!!

The best advice I have ever heard!

Added after 11 minutes:

2013-01-15 and still open for me ...

the same here

Added after 23 minutes:

Hi, Just a simple question. I know there was a lot of fuss regarding the payments and I read the TOS but just a little aspect those of you who already had this thing.
I requested a payment on 2013-01-27 with Bank option... The status is still open. Is this normal, to be still open in this time? I had the impression that the status would change after 5 days or something like that to "checked"...
I am not screaming or something just want to know this aspect.

Best regards!
mate, i have open status since 01-15, that is half-month sooner.
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