uploaded.net - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

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You have to convert webmoney EUROS into webmoney dollars, it's really easy. Just make a WME account, and then exchange it into your WMZ account.
why sale are up and down every month
ex:jan 1st to 6th i got sales and rebills after that no sale even i posts exclusive content
ofc not only this month every month i am facing this
wat abt other did any one facing this??
Hei buddies one question.In my affiliate page what is the:

advertised uploaded accounts: 391

This means that 391 persons have registered an account to uploaded through my links?And if someone will buy a premium after the first month he joined will i receive the money from the initial order?
I must to stop upload to Ul.to
In many forums and some sharing boards moderators or admins use Import files and edit my hard work. They use my work and make a tonns of stolen money!

Please UL! Disable Import!!! :thumbdown::thumbdown::thumbdown:
I must to stop upload to Ul.to
In many forums and some sharing boards moderators or admins use Import files and edit my hard work. They use my work and make a tonns of stolen money!

Please UL! Disable Import!!! :thumbdown::thumbdown::thumbdown:

This is what make uploaded.net the best filehost with many sales.I upload more than 100 files the day with my own upload but when someone will import some of my files and these files will be downloaded i will receive the 60% of the ppd of these files from this user.

So think first and then complain.

Also about the stolen money.You believe you or me or all the warez uploaders are saints?All the filehosting company in all filehosters based in the stealing.
Of course big companies like sony and all the hollywood or the companies for games have too expensive their products but this is it.The market is free and whoever can place whatever price they want.

So think again who is the real stealer here and stop complaining

If someone buys import does not matter.

The sale of an import file goes to the importer not to the original uploader.The original uploader will receive the 60% ppd of this file but not for the sale
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