uploaded.net - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

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Earnings 2012-12-31: today* 245,44 €

Haha, how i wish this stats today for me was true lol. Not sure why Uploaded didn't had techs fix this bug earlier with the date problem when it was reported multiple times earlier on. This problem could be avoided much earlier.

From what I see now,The only thing true right now is your balance amount. If it changes, then you get the appropriate downloads/sales for today ( I still see it moving with downloads). The rest is cause by the date conflict within their system and the database.

:) i have 277 € :P
dont panic guys
all of them having new year celebrations
techs are also humans they also need some celebrations
happy new year

no need to worry abt extra money guys while ur payout they will remove extra money which is added rest of that it will be paid

btw i was so confused abt status today did i got extra money or sale?? 31st is not shown in status page
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^ Same here. :D

And Definitely cloudzer is their own project. I tried to upload an old file which must be blacklisted. I could not Upload neither to Uploaded nor to cloudzer.
Then Changed the hash and got uploaded on both. :D
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