uploaded.net - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

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No upload method is working!! Is it just me or anyone? Files just don't go into the acct. Uploaded links show:

Page not found
Error: 404

Please check the URL for typing errors, respectively contact us in case of a technical failure.
My payment was checked on 19th and i believe i got paid today if the stuff is available. otherwise on Monday for sure :) So please guys they always paid do not spam this thread if you have any question you can pm Till or Sinem about payments.

If you do the maths that's 25€ per 1,000.

Work smart not hard, i have never reached 1,000 downloads in a single day, because i post my files in low traffic places, instead of going for the same 10 websites everyone is spaming. 6 updates every day and that's what i get, time used? 1 hour max per day, how many DMCA per month? 0, per year? 0, space used? 111.35 GB, payments rejected in the last 2 years(in every filehost that i have used)? 0, but yeah keep spaming 20TB of pirated software/porn, in 20 forums with 100,000 users, and you will keep bitching about bad rates, because you work hard, not smart, maybe that worked 6 months ago, but not anymore.


What a heck do you upload the NASA secret videos about the UFO's? I can't imagine.
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